VSP Verified Service Of Process


Investigations L.L.C.

Imagine Better Service



VSP is a legal support service firm providing trusted legal services for attorneys in the local area, and general services for private citizens, specializing in civil and criminal litigation services for attorney's and local firm, including bankruptcy form preparation, brief preparation and proofreading, research and investigations, service of process, notary services, courier and court document retrieval.

The focus of VSP is to provide the strategic thought and trusted legal services tailored to the individual needs of government agencies, corporations, laws firms, attorneys, and private citizens in the community, targeted to achieve professionalism and excellence in private and governmental sector.

Our firm is based in Denver Colorado, with operating capabilities in California, Kansas, Oregon, and Texas. For more information email us at:


or call 720-994-2792.


Since its inception, VSP's dedication to providing trusted and reliable services has been the driving force behind its mission and vision & values, which is represented by its consistent ability to successfully meet the needs of the community and professionals seeking legal services, while improving operating performance through creativity and reliability. A shared desire for perfection and professionalism brings us together, and VSP's performance unites us.

The mission of VSP is to provide trusted and reliable legal support services to the community based on strategic thought, education, creativity, and legal experience, targeted to achieve professionalism and excellence in the business and legal forum.

A vision to succeed in satisfying the needs of the community and our customer base is held by VSP, by providing trusted and reliable legal support services. This vision is derived from a promise to:

"Satisfy our customer's litigation and investigational needs, and help them succeeded in navigating through the legal forum."

VSP recognizes that attorneys and customers across all business segments can be equally better served and save time and money, while minimizing inconvenience, if they bring their litigation and investigative needs to one trusted provider that knows and understands its customer’s needs. VSP seeks to satisfy its client’s full range of needs with an array of services able to adapt to the individual needs of each customer. It is based on this premise that VSP values knowing what success means to its clients.

Core values that define VSP and serve as its guiding principles are:

"Professionalism, diligence, integrity, creativity, and excellence."